Skyline Wings

Until you spread your wings you'll have no idea how far you can fly.

This project is to create Skyline Wing(s) for the Graduating class of 2020.

Before you begin the sketches for this project you will need to read the articles:
University of Michigan, Destination Ann Arbor, DDA Brings Interactive Mural to Town and
The Michigan Wings on the artist Kelsey Montague #whatliftsyou.

For this Wing Project you will create:

Project #5 Wing Mural Sketch. The template to use for this project can be downloaded below. You will need to fill it with design elements outlined below.

Project #6 Wing Mural in AI. The template to use for this project can be downloaded below.

The design elements you MUST include:
The theme is "Skyline"
Your client is Skyline Seniors
Icons made by you that reflect Skyline HS (icons as they relate to: music, art, different sports, lunch, books, core classes, phones, Skyline High School (the building), an eagle, etc)
Lines and geometric shapes (few organic shapes are fine) as filler (think zentangles)
ONLY USE- Skyline blue, white and black

Other examples to inspire.

I highly recommend watching the 2 videos at the bottom of the page that follows the journey of her creative process for inspiration while you doodle.

Turn in:
Project 5: Sketches posted to your new page titled Skyline Wings (submit url to GCR and mark done)
Project 6: Finished screenshot of finished Skyline Wings in AI posted to Weebly page with the sketches (submit url to GCR and mark done)

The template to use for this project can be downloaded to sketch with. You can pick either one  WING1 and WING2.

Wing 1
Wing 2