Two COVID-19 Public Safety Posters

TIP- Make these 2 posters simple or create one really complex one in Illustrator. Let me know on Wednesday which way you are going when you post your sketch(es).

Overwhelming evidence shows the power of arts and culture to lift spirits, inspire change, and unify communities. Since the onset of COVID-19, artists and cultural organizations have been creatively responding - physically and online - to support young people, families, and communities alike.
Rather than being discouraged by the closure of your local theatre, museum, music hall, or dance studio…rather than feeling overwhelmed by a digital classroom or virtual meetings…rather than social isolating during required physical distancing…let us keep making art to share our stories, inspire each other and bring hope back to humanity.


Artists in the United States and around the world are mobilizing quickly in response to COVID-19 to enable rapid and widespread communication of health information and to help people to connect, cope, and be well in the short and long term. 

The arts are one of the most powerful means for communication and coping we have at our disposal today.

Audiences and Messages
The primarily messages for each of our targeted audiences are to create art (both individually and together), share with others through social media platforms, and follow peers and others to increase knowledge and learning. 
Young People – we hope they tell their stories by making art and learning through the arts.
Parents – we hope they feel empowered as at-home educators ot use the arts to build connections with school and their families
Artists – we hope they re-connect with their passion for art in a more distanced world
Educators – we hope they feel more deeply connected to their students by using artistic techniques in instruction
Cultural Organizations – we hope they connect with their communities by sharing artistic resources through social media


You can personally submit and vote for designs if you want. And if you scroll through to the end you will see who the guest judge is. Hint: One of Friday's questions.

In response for the need of more Public Education on COVID-19 You will (Project 1 and 2):

Project 1
1. Create 2 sketches on what ever paper you have of 2 different Poster that addresses the COVID-19 crisis through your creativity. You are to include text in your sketches as well. 

2. Post Sketches to your new Weebly page titled COVID-19 Posters. Due Wednesday. Turn-in your weebly url for this page to Google Classroom for credit.

Project 2
3. Completely do both designs in Illustrator. (Let me know your status on downloading this program ASAP). 

4. Take a screenshot of the 2 finished .AI files and put the two poster images on the page with your sketches Publish and Post. Due Friday. Turn-in your updated weebly url for this page to Google Classroom for credit.

No Client Statement but know who you were designing for: Young People, Parents, Artists, Educators and/or Cultural Organizations. Hint: One of Friday's questions.

Included is work that they have posted on their site, look at the color palette, the face masks, the different languages, and many other commonalities. Use these to further your design.


Here is more information you will need to complete this exercise:

In response to COVID-19, Amplifier is launching an emergency campaign with top art curators and public-health advisors from around the world.
We are looking for two kinds of work: The first are public health and safety messages that can help flatten the curve through education. The second are symbols that help promote mental health, well-being, and social change work during these stressful times. 
YOUR art has power. Art can heal, art can save lives, and art can bring us together even while we are apart. It can be a compass to guide us through this storm. This is your chance to make work that will be distributed worldwide and will inspire us all to stay strong, safe, and united.
In solidarity with our global community of artists, we will award $1,000 apiece to 50 artists, with 5 winning works announced each week, starting the first week of April. These artworks will be distributed widely, both online and in the physical locations where they are needed most. All art selected by our jury will also be made available as free downloads for anyone to print and share.
These symbols will stand long after the virus is gone as a testament to our resilience. Please join us in this historic moment by submitting!
Guest Judges