Tuesday 20 December 2016

Notes for Break

Graphic Design 2

To be COMPLETED by 12/22/16

The following need to be POSTED and PUBLISHED on your weebly:
-Patterns (2)
-Portrait- due 12/22
-Robot- due 12/22

If you are not finished with any of the above you MUST take a screen shot and POST and PUBLISH the work in Progress.

Please make sure you have the following WORKSHEET and NOTES turned in:
5 Articles- with 3 notes about each in your Journal


Journal #2
Please use the packet and the links that will be on our site http://skylinehsgraphicdesign2.blogspot.com/p/journal-2-and-3.html

You need to choose 3 of the following themes:
-Observational Drawing

For each theme chosen you will need to fill a minimum of 1 page but may do more (80% of the page needs to be filled and COLORED). For example I could do 2 pages of different hands, 1 bike and an observation drawing of a skull that goes across 2 pages. All my drawings are colored.

Friday 2 December 2016

Skyline Artwork at Balas

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Drawing Exercise #1, #2 and #3

Plagiarism or Appropriation

Please read the article What's the Difference Between Appropriation and Plagiarism at http://www.ethicsingraphicdesign.org/whats-the-difference-between-appropriation-and-plagiarism/ and answer the following questions.

1. What is the definition of Appropriation?

2. What is the definition of Plagiarism?

3. As a Graphic Designer who will be publishing your designs on your website how do you plan on ensuring that your work is not considered Plagiarism?

Monday 11 January 2016

7 Unfortunate Type Trends

Just so you know below is a great link to the article "7 Unfortunate Type Trends We Wish We Could Forget."

And if you are really interested in getting free fonts and design ideas I would highly recommend signing up with Creative Market (https://creativemarket.com).

Friday 1 January 2016

How Patterns Tell Fairy Tales

Over the Holiday break I was trying to paint and I was having a hard time with coming up with something. I looked at my old sketches and tried to be creative and it would not work. Finally I saw a painting of a girl with the title "Cinderella" and it hit me. I have been obsessed with patterns lately to the point I have considered putting up wallpaper in my home. So I thought what if I did a painting of a characters using hybrid of people I take photos of and I let the pattern on the picture indicate what the title and story is. See if you can guess.

If you guessed Snow White and Peter and the Wolf you are right. Neither painting is complete but I am trying to accomplish a new way of painting. I am combining printing with my images. Each apples was stamped with a stamp I made as well as the wolves. This is my combination of painting and graphic design.

I look forward to seeing where this exploration takes me. I have a list of fairy tales I want to do and will hopefully continue with this exploration. 

Sometimes simple ideas are the ones you can be innovative with.